Just back from the Erma
Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, which was held not only in my hometown but on the
campus of my alma mater, the University of Dayton, UD. Back in the day we pronounced
it uhd. Erma was both a native and a
grad. I remember her column in the local newspaper. She was my heroine.
I can’t say I got a whole lot
out of the workshop since I came down with one of those monstrous debilitating colds,
which does not encourage interaction with other people.
What I did learn is that my
blog needs a new name. When I did find anyone willing to talk to me, the question
invariably was: “What do you write?” The response to my blog’s title - Heroine
Addiction - was usually a blank stare. Maybe I should have had little cards
made up like the ones other attendees were passing out. The heroine thing is
just too much like the more lethal addiction. Besides that, I almost never write
about heroines. I mean I am not really addicted to heroines, let alone heroin.
So I am trying to choose a new
name for my blog. And I need help. I have put together a list of the titles I
am considering and am pleading for input.
Notes from a Retired Reader
This has the sort of the same
problem my former title did: it doesn't say anything. Or what it does say
doesn't make any sense. I mean I haven’t retired from reading or does it mean I
am retired and reading and if it does mean this shouldn't there be stuff about
How about Shy and Retiring?
Or Retired With Benefits?
I thought I would look over
former essays and find some possibilities. So this one came to mind. But it sounds
like financial advice, which I have none to give.
The real contender is
Not Much Ado About Nothing which says nothing and is actually a double negative
but really does have the flavor of what my essays are about: nothing – in a
Seinfeldian sense, of course.
I also kind of like
View from a Room or A View of My Own
There are a zillion blogs with
titles paraphrasing Mrs. Woolf. How about Much Ado About a View from my Window?
Twinkies on the Nile
When we went to Egypt a few
years ago, we were served breakfast on a tiny Nile River ferry boat near the
Valley of the Kings and Twinkies were offered. In case you wonder where Twinkies
have disappeared to, I can safely say they are doing quite well in Egypt. They
tasted like the real thing. I have never written the essay for this title. My
blog is certainly not about travel. So
why would I use it?
There’s Just Looking. I like that
one since it is a phrase I have overworked over the years in a myriad of
shopping situations.
Life is A Food Fight? I think that says quite a bit.
Or Butter Made Me Who I Am Today?
I love butter. It really does make everything better. If I had a coat of arms
it would have a stick of butter on it.
Doesn't Work Up to Potential? The nuns always checked this on my grade school report
cards. I think I’ve lived up to the assessment.
How about Once I was A Search Engine?
Before Google, people sought out librarians for information. I’ve been
replaced, erased and deleted from that role. It really is so much easier now.
But it was fun while it lasted.
Any ideas? I’m open. More like