Thursday, September 13, 2012


Well, it’s now 9:00 am. Obviously this is not going to be my daily - from this moment on until the end of my life so I can be a healthy old lady - hour of exercise.

It should be so easy. After all, I always get up early and lounge around for hours on end. Why not use one of those hours, just one of that endless span of hours that make up a day, to do some exercise? Think of how good I would feel! 

Wasn't it just yesterday I made a pledge, a vow to start the Fall exercising?

"So do it, Paula," I said. "Just do it. You must. Your knees, your weight, apparently your mental state demand it."

And I agreed with me, and with a zillion articles in every newspaper and magazine on the market.

I started out this morning so well. Got up at 6:00, remembered my vow, went to the kids' old bedroom, opened the windows, turned on the TV and there was Miranda Esmonde White, looking all perky on channel 25.  On channel 21 Priscilla did yoga and look! There’s Body Electric! It’s  still running since the last time I looked some 10 or 15 years ago.

Oops! Waited too long to choose and now all the exercise shows are half over. I need to plan ahead. 

6:00 AM is way too early to exercise anyway, I’ll wait until I’m  less stiff and the glucosamine has kicked in.

Maybe some caffeine too, I allowed myself.

By the time I made coffee, the Times had arrived.   Gotta love home delivery. What could be better than the sight of the newspaper in front of your door? Must check it out right away. 

By 7:00 I was no longer stiff but I still hadn't emptied the dishwasher or done the crossword puzzle. Hadn’t even located a pencil.

At 8:00 Jim got up and we had a nice chat about How We Hate Time Warner.

By 8:30, I wanted breakfast. That took half an hour.

So why am I writing this at 9:00 still not in front of my Pilates for Seniors, Classical Stretch or Yoga for the Rest of Us DVDs or even the easy knee video I just bought two days ago?

I decide against  going out for a walk because my back would act up.

I could drag out the bike, it’s warm enough, but biking would kill my knees. 

I don’t want to join a health club again.  I belonged to the YMCA and went there for a year and a half. Remember  how it took a half hour to get there, plus 15 minutes to find a locker, and get dressed, while avoiding the sight of all those pale white bodies. My years at a Catholic girls school taught me to change clothes without showing any skin. Kind of a gift to the universe at this time of my life.  

Then there is the mini trampoline staring at me from the utility closet it doesn't quite fit into. I always have to jam it in and shut the door fast.  But that thing turned out not to help my knees at all, so it just sits there next to the step gizmo from the 80's which started the downward slide my knees have taken. And right alongside it is the complete set of free weights and the Pilates Mini Reformer kit.  

Have I whined long enough? Won't someone call? Land line, cell phone? Morse code? I've looked at my my email, read the Times, put the trash out, done the crossword puzzle,  checked for mold around the kitchen sink. Isn't there a pressing household chore, like rearranging the towels, I must do?

Oh wow, here’s an idea, I can turn this whole debacle into an essay! I will write about it.

Then by 11:00 I'll be ready to start exercising.
